Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I was supposed to interview Adele Reinhartz for the podcast tomorrow, but she is currently ill and leaving soon for Israel, so we will talk when she is back, at a date still to be determined, later in March. For those who do not know her work, take the opportunity to check out some of it before the podcast. Professor Reinhartz is a Jewish scholar of the New Testament and Hellenistic Jewish literature - and I hope we will discuss her life as Jewish scholar working with Christian texts, particularly the Gospel of John, and how her unique perspective has opened up the texts for her and her students and readers. I highly recommend her book, Befriending the Beloved Disciple, which begins with a powerful and moving Prologue and asks challenging and compelling questions of the text of the Gospel. Either of her two books on Jesus/Scripture in the movies is worth reading, too, Jesus of Hollywood or  Scripture on the Silver Screen. For more of her books, please see her Amazon author page. Feel free to send me questions if any arise in the next few weeks regarding her research.

I look forward to this podcast as I owe her a special debt for my own vocation and academic passions. I took her class on "Judaism and Hellenism in the Greco-Roman World" at the University of Toronto in 1983 and 29 years later I am still studying the same material.What can I say? Once you are hooked, you are hooked. I did call the blog biblejunkies for a reason. Talk to you soon!

John W. Martens

Follow me on Twitter @johnwmartens


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