I was supposed to interview Adele Reinhartz for the podcast tomorrow, but she is currently ill and leaving soon for Israel, so we will talk...
Lent 3: Soaked in Mercy
Repentance consists in first acknowledging sin, “I have done something wrong,” second, confessing this sin, third, performing penance,...
Archbishop Williams and Miracles: A Response to David Jenkins
David Jenkins at Anglican Samizdat , a great blog name by the way, wrote briefly about the recent discussion between Richard Dawkins and Ar...
Gospel of Mark Commentary Act 1. Scene 7
Introduction to the Series: I think that the Gospel of Mark is a dramatic narrative, by which I mean not simply that the content is d...
Lent 2: Isaiah Testifies
Isaiah testifies on behalf of God , who testifies for the Poor; we need to listen: 1 Shout out, do not hold back! Lift up your voice li...
Lent Meditation 1: What is noble in the sight of all?
Yesterday I wrote, “I want to consider my role in the community by starting with these questions: how do you provoke someone to love and g...
Ash Wednesday Meditation: Provoke One Another To Love
"And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds" (Hebrews 10:24, NRSV). This is the verse that Pope Benedi...
Muslims, Christians and Bible Translation
There is a sharply-worded post at “Seasons of Grace” relating to biblical translation and especially biblical translation undertaken by Wy...
Richard Dawkins dialogues with Archbishop, Live on Internet!
Here is an event that ought to be well worthwhile: a dialogue between Richard Dawkins and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams on &q...
Gospel of Mark Commentary Act 1. Scene 6
Introduction to the Series: I think that the Gospel of Mark is a dramatic narrative, by which I mean not simply that the content is d...
Sir Isaac Newton: Apocalyptic Prophet
Through a Twitter post by Janelle Peters ( @janellepeters ), I was alerted to the recent uploading of the theological documents of Sir Isaac...