Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A conference on Vatican II,  Vatican II: Teaching and Understanding the Council after 50 Years,” will be held at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota this coming September 20-22, 2012. The conference
has three interrelated objectives. First, it will examine the effects of Vatican II in shaping the methods and content of our work as educators and scholars.  Second, it will consider how theological reflection on the experiences of teaching since the Council has shaped our understanding of the event itself.  Third, it will look more broadly at the role of Catholic colleges and universities in educating students to be agents of the proper development of human culture for “the good of the community and of the whole society” (Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes §59; see also John Paul II, Ex Corde Ecclesiae §32).
This is a unique conference,  focussing on how the Council has been taught and is taught in departments of theology, and the impact it has had on educators and students. There is only a week left for paper topics to be considered and submitted, due on January 30, 2012, but it is not yet too late.If you are not interested in submitting a paper, please note the dates and see if you can attend. Here is the schedule thus far, and it features  Rev. John O’Malley, S.J., Ph.D, Rev. Jan Michael Joncas, S.L.D., S.L.L, Sr. Maureen Sullivan, O.P., Ph.D and Sr. Katarina Schuth, O.S.F., Ph.D.

A driving force behind this conference is Massimo Faggioli, whose newest book Vatican II: The Battle for Meaning has just been released, and who will also be a participant in the conference.

For those involved with biblical studies in a Catholic context, in seminaries, theology or religious studies departments, this conference would be a perfect opportunity to reflect on, for instance, Dei Verbum in the context of teaching the Bible.


After many months, I am finally bringing you the link to the keynote talks and the final roundtable discussion of the Vatican II conference held at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN on September 20-22, 2012, Teaching and Understanding the Council after 50 Years. The keynote speakers were John W. O'Malley, S.J., Sr. Maureen Sullivan, Sr. Katarina Schuth, and Fr. Michael Joncas. Each of these speakers gave terrific addresses to the conference. Also included is a link to the beautiful homily given by Archbishop Emeritus of St. Paul and Minneapolis Harry Flynn. Click here to be taken to the links. Enjoy!

John W. Martens

I invite you to follow me on Twitter @Biblejunkies


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