Nothing Says Christmas Like a Family Fight
I picked up this story via CNN's Belief Blog, in which Priests and Monks battled in the Church of the Nativity yesterday with brooms. There are two celebrations of Christmas, one on December 25th and the other, Orthodox celebration on January 6th. Between the two celebrations of Christmas, the Priests and Monks clean the Church. I think this might lend credence to my claim that the date of Christmas is not that important, if that is what they were fighting about. I suppose that nothing says Christmas like family fights.
John W. Martens
Follow me on Twitter @johnwmartens
The church is shared by three Christian denominations — Roman Catholics, Armenians and Greek Orthodox. Wednesday's fight erupted between Greek and Armenian clergy, with both sides accusing each other of encroaching on parts of the church to which they lay claim. Like you, I don't think it is that important what the date was, but you might find the following article interesting.
ReplyDeleteYes, I like that Crisis piece S.E. Pryor, especially the Frodo Baggins connection!